The Future of the Parti Québécois


The Parti Québécois, created in 1968, is often described as a provincial political party that supports "the independence of Quebec...[while] maintaining a loose political and economic sovereignty-association between Quebec and Canada." Although Parti Québécois' actual impact on the province wasn't realized until the 1976 election because of Rene Levesque's efforts, the party's goal of advocating for francophone speakers and instilling a determination to separate from the overarching Canadian federal system ultimately left a lasting influence on the territory. However, there has been a noticeable decline in the party's support in recent years, to the point where marginalization within the province's government seems imminent. Such a role reversal raises one question: Is independence from Canada what Quebec citizens honestly want?

To answer this question, we must first understand why Quebec citizens support the party. Quebec is unique to Canada and the entire North American continent because 80% of its population speaks French. Compared to other regions of Canada, which contain primarily English speakers, citizens of Quebec have been able to develop a unique sense of francophone culture that has lasted for centuries. However, such a strong sense of identity comes with downfalls. The nationalistic pride among the people of Quebec has cultivated tension between anglophones and francophones, which creates a power struggle between the provincial and the overarching federal government. Such difficulties between the two groups are certainly inspiring people to desire secession and support the Parti Québécois. However, why hasn't there been a successful bid for independence and an increase in party support?

First, there have been several past separation attempts. In 1980 and 1985, the party called for referendums that ended in crushing failure. While Parti Québécois leaders have tried time and time again to rouse the population in another bid for independence, recent polls have shown that only 31.9 percent of Quebec's population still vote in favor of Parti Québécois' separatist movement. Perhaps the reasoning behind the voters' shift in thinking stems from the threat of economic instability and a lack of party funds. Quebec's economy represents approximately 20.36 percent of the GDP of Canada. If Quebec were to secede from the rest of Canada, fiscal turmoil and the subsequent reworking of trade deals would be a direct consequence of their decision, one that they would not be able to cover with their small reserves.

The generational shift in Quebec's population also plays a factor in the Parti Québécois' loss of power. The party's lengthy history of nationalistic pride and emphasis on the strength of francophone speakers did resonate with older voters who were around to witness the struggle between French and English speakers. However, while the party "got 36.5 percent of the [baby] boomer vote, it received only 22.6 percent of the ballots cast by members of Gen Y." Yet, it's not because younger voters are disillusioned with the idea of a Quebecois identity, but because the newer generations are more open-minded and willing to explore other options. Millennials from Quebec weren't as focused on sovereignty and tended to turn away from separatist policies that baby boomers (and the party) were more likely to push.

Perhaps the issue here isn't the fault of the voters but the fault of the Parti Québécois. While their continual attempt to gain freedom for its citizens is admirable, the polls state that their ideas are becoming obsolete in an age more focused on connections with others. To survive, their ideas must shift with the times, or their future will remain bleakly uncertain.