Posts in Africa
White Collar Corruption Constricting Voters in Nigeria

With official results showing only approximately 27 percent of registered voters cast their ballot for a presidential candidate in Nigeria, this appallingly low turnout is not unexpected when looking at recent election cycles considering Nigeria’s history with rampant white collar crime. Corruption is by far the most common manifestation of white collar crime in many developing countries.

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Will Nigeria’s Infrastructure Gaps Push it Closer to China?

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, challenges to Nigeria’s economic growth is its lack of quality infrastructure. To compete on the global stage and address problems such as poverty and lagging human development, Nigeria needs improved infrastructure to service its economy and development goals.

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Political Censorship in Rwanda Limits Chances for Representation

The 2004 film Hotel Rwanda raised global awareness about the Rwandan genocide and the heroism of hotel manager Paul Rusesabagina. However, Rusesabagina's story also highlights the issue of political censorship in Rwanda, where the government's suppression of political and human rights advocacy persists, including the silencing of opposition voices and imprisonment of political leaders.

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FESPACO: The Power of African Voices

The 28th Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO) took place from February 25 to March 4, 2023, celebrating African cinema and providing a platform for African filmmakers. With this year's theme being "Culture of Peace," the festival showcased films that highlighted social issues and amplified African voices, such as Apolline Traore's "Sira" and Moussa Sene Absa's "Xale, les blessures de l'enfance."

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Humanity in Civil Conflicts: Understanding the Casamance Conflict

The Casamance conflict has resulted in devastating realities for communities, however, different policies such as the Kampala Convention offer hope for a united future to resolve deep divisions at the Senegal border and refocus on supporting displaced people.

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How Widespread Corruption Brought About the Energy Crisis in South Africa

South Africa is facing its worst energy crisis in over three decades due to corruption and aging infrastructure. The country's economy and politics are under threat, and the government's main task is to restore energy security. The energy crisis is largely due to the mismanagement of Eskom, the state-owned energy provider, and the reluctance of some officials to support the building of clean energy infrastructure. The crisis has led to protests and riots, and urgent action is needed to address the issue.

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Impact of Italy-Libya Relations on Human Rights in the Migration Crisis

Within the EU, Italy has been on the forefront of combating irregular migration to Europe through the Mediterranean. However, concern over grave human rights violations in Libya have led to calls for Italy to discontinue partnership with Libyan authorities.

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Terrorism Pushes Somalia Towards Second Catastrophic Famine

Counter-terrorism laws concerning al-Shabab influence in Somalia lessens the amount of aid able to reach over 900,000 struggling civilians in terrorist controlled regions.

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The Black Panther movies have effectively changed the worldview on Africa

The Black Panther movies have had a major impact on changing the Western view of sub-Saharan Africa. By portraying an African country rich in resources and effective governance, the movies challenge stereotypes and prejudices created during slavery and European colonization.

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Mining in Africa and the Dark Underbelly of Powering our Future

Vast mining operations have emerged across African nations, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The new economic opportunities, however, have generated a myriad of challenges, such as the ecological damage as well as exploitative, dangerous, and often inhumane working conditions.

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