Posts tagged Middle East
The Line: Luxurious Environmentally Sustainable Infrastructure with a Cost

Neom: the future. Saudi Arabia envisioned Neom or also considered the Line as a stable microclimatic environment that prioritizes walkability, clean energy, and technology to move away from traffic, pollution, and other infrastructure challenges that plague urban life. The Line symbolizes the beginning of environmentally sustainable infrastructure that can enrich the lives of humans.

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China Brokers Saudi Arabia-Iran Diplomatic Agreement – Implications for Yemen’s Civil War

The China-brokered agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran marks a significant shift in relations between the two regional rivals and may pave the way for humanitarian recovery in Yemen, a country devastated by the proxy war between the two nations. The deal involves reopening embassies, respecting state sovereignty, and avoiding interference in foreign affairs.

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Honor and Shame: On the Word “a’aib” in Arabic

This article discusses the concept of honor and shame in Arab societies, with the term "a'aib" representing shame and its impact on women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and taboo subjects. This socially constructed idea perpetuates negative psychological effects and reinforces honor-based social conduct.

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